Meet our Tykes & Tots Management Team

See an overview of our Tykes and Tots Management Team below.

We are always looking for well-qualified Early Childhood Educators to join our team of dedicated professionals.

If you think you’ve got what it takes to join our team, we would love to hear from you. Submit your resume by email to us at any time.

Tykes & Tots logo image

Tykes and Tots follows the principles of play and exploration as set out by the Ministry of Education.

Our Management Team


Program Leadership Teams - Child Care Centres

Each of our childcare centres has a Program Director to provide support for our families, educators, and children.  Some centres have a Team Lead who works in conjunction with the Program Director.

Program Directors are focused on the administrative side of the program, providing support to families and staff.  They collaborate with other leadership team members, outside partners and agencies and the Ministry of Education to ensure a safe, fun, educational environment for the children in our care as well as a positive working environment for our educators.  

Team Leads, where present, provide hands on, daily leadership support to our staff and families and are the first line of support for addressing any needs and concerns.  They work with the staff on a daily basis to provide programming in line with the Tykes and Tots philosophy, the Early Learning Program guide and the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale.

1055 Hampton Circle (90 Spaces, Age 6 Months to 6 Years)

Amanda Yousif (She/her) - Director


Team Lead: Andrew Gamalinda(He/him)  –

3118 Laurier Drive (74 Spaces, Age 6 Months to 6 Years)

Jen Wessel (She/her) - Director


Team Lead: Diane Mourot –

102 Ravine Court (30 Spaces, Age 18 Months to 6 Years)

Erin Overfield (She/her) - Director

270 Heritage Way (40 Spaces, Age 18 Months to 6 Years)

Denise Skuce (She/her) - Director

140 Campion Crescent (38 Spaces, Age 2 Years to 6 Years)

Carolyn Thomlinson-Elliston (She/her) - Director

* Opening in March* 410 22 St E (80 Spaces, Age 6 Months to 6 Years)

Cosette Kehoe (She/her) - Director


Team Lead: Franczesca Veslinos Zales–

Program Leadership Teams – School Age Programs

Our school-age programs have a Program Director and Program Supervisor who collaborate to provide quality care for children attending our before and after school programs and our school-age camp programs.  The Program Director manages the administrative side of the program and provides overall support and guidance to the supervisors and staff for each program.   The Program Supervisors provide daily interaction and guidance to parents and staff.

Howard Rose (He/him)- School Age Director

St George School (748 Redberry Road)

Supervisor: Afifa Yamin

St Lorenzo and Ernest Lindner Schools (1055 Hampton Circle)

Supervisor: Kyshenne Cabrera

Administrative Leadership Team

Executive Director

Carlea Taylor (She/her)

Responsible for the overall efficiency and quality of the organization.


Financial Controller

Michelle Wacholtz (She/her)

Responsible for all organizational accounting financial controls.


Human Resources Director

Lindsay Lowe (She/her)

Responsible for all aspects of human resource management. Also responsible for the delivery of family and community engagement programs.


Regional Director

Nancy Lautner (She/her)

Responsible for guiding and overseeing our St. Anne, Lakewood, and Cardinal Leger locations.


Regional Director

Graeme Williams (He/him)

Responsible for guiding and overseeing our Laurier and Hampton locations and our School-Age programs.


Put Your Family in Our Good Hands

Our waitlist is currently closed. Please check back later to add your child to the list. Please see our School Age Care page to sign up for those programs.

Get In Touch

Do you want more information before deciding if one of Tykes and Tots’ programs is right for your child? Send us a message and one of our management team will reach out to you as soon as they can.

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