Tykes & Tots

Our Mission:

Building a safe, inclusive, nurturing community committed to play-based learning.

Tykes and Tots Early Learning Centre Inc. is a multi-facility child care organization offering quality care throughout Saskatoon. We offer licensed early learning (child care) programs, before and after school programs, school age camps (Forest School) and preschool. All of our programs provide a safe, fun environment for children to grow and play.

Tykes & Tots logo image
Certified Himama logo

Support our Licensed Forest School

Do you live in the south Corman park area?  Do you support the development of a childcare centre in that area?  If yes, please click here.

Waitlist Registrations

Our waitlist is currently closed. Please check back later to add your child to the list. Please see our School Age Care page to sign up for those programs.

Our Philosophy & Principles

Early childhood experiences are a fundamental element in the development and growth of the child. Our philosophy incorporates quality care that emphasizes the principles of play and exploration. We provide a safe, warm, fun, loving environment that promotes the positive development of the child’s physical, social, intellectual, creative, and emotional aspects. Accordingly, we are guided by the following concepts:

Encouragement of individuality, creativity, and self-acceptance

We encourage our children to develop and appreciate their individuality and to learn to express themselves widely and freely in accordance with their imagination and ability. Our programs offer many opportunities for choice and for a child to be responsible to him/herself within the limits of his/her capabilities. There are opportunities for free play, solitude, and for creative expressive activities.  Activities at the Centre stress co-operation and personal achievement rather than competition. The staff attempts to enhance each child’s self-confidence and self-esteem and to set aside time each day for individual attention.

Provision for a variety of experience

We attempt to introduce our children to the diversity of normal human experience by providing a full and varied program.  Further, we encourage the children to sample as many things (including food) as we can offer. Each day, time is set aside for the development of intellectual and problem-solving skills, for creative arts, for learning and the satisfaction of curiosity, for work, for recreational activities and group exercises, for unstructured play, and for rest and solitude. Preschool-age children take part in periodic field trips to such locations as libraries, museums, stores, etc.

Encouragement of open-mindedness and respect for others

We encourage our children to appreciate and respect the diverse nature of humanity. We believe open-mindedness to be desirable and we discourage racial, sexual, national,  physical, or other harmful stereotyping. We encourage children to combine individual expression with an awareness of, and respect for, the needs and concerns of others. We thus attempt to promote their social growth – working with others, sharing, and accepting the limits of group living. We emphasize co-operation more than the competition.

Maximization of parental involvement

Only if parents become and remain informed about the activities of the Centre can we enhance the personal development of our children. Thus, we must communicate regularly with the
parents of our children about the activities at the Centre and must express an interest in, and become knowledgeable about, daily activities outside the Centre. 

Maintenance of health and safety

We endeavor to maintain facilities in which our children are secure from diseases and hazards. When children contract a  contagious or infectious disease, for their health and the health of the remainder of our children, they must be sent home. Where direct and immediate medical attention is required, we attempt to provide it in accordance with parental instructions. We undertake frequent and regular checks for unsafe conditions at the Centre and we have a regular fire drill for the children. We provide varied and nutritious meals and snacks for the children. The children are discouraged from bringing candy, gum, or other confections to the Centre. We schedule activities to enhance the children’s physical, sensory, and motor development.  Medication and special dietary requirements are dispensed to particular children upon the request of, and provision by, the parent.

Community Engagement and Partnerships

We are a community-based organization and as such place an emphasis on positive partnerships within the community and our partner schools. Tykes and Tots actively seek out partnerships within the broader community as well as within the educational community and look to deepen and broaden all partnerships.

Experienced Staff You Can Trust

Our team has a vast array of experience, a wide range of knowledge, and wealth of expertise. In each of our locations, staff members show their dedication to the growth of the children, their focus on quality care, and their commitment to strong, healthy relationships. This has been the foundation of everything we do since day one and is what propels us into the future.

Early Learning Centres

Additional Programs

Years in Business

Staff Members

Families Cared For

Wait List

Please check back when our waitlist reopens.

We Got You Covered. Meet our Management Team

“A key to achieving success is to assemble a strong and stable management team.”  – Vivek Wadhwa

What Our Customers Are Saying

“When I drop my granddaughter off, I don’t have a SINGLE worry or concern and when I pick her up, she is a whirling ball of happy energy who has been well-loved and taught to be loving and kind in her daily interactions. Her creativity and energy are directed into activities that inspire her to do more and more for herself and others. And did I mention the food? Maybe I could enroll, just for the interesting, diverse, healthy snacks and lunches. Since it takes a village to raise a child, I’m really happy that Tykes and Tots is part of my granddaughter’s village!

Now back to 3 years of Tykes and Tots programming. Your employees are lovely, every last one of them. I would have had real difficulty caring for my granddaughter without the help and support from the Tykes and Tots staff. On your next hire, in my opinion, you need one crazy flamboyant personality to liven things up a bit.”
Hilde B.

“My children have been at Tykes and Tots for the last 3 years. They absolutely love going and are very excited to go. I am always greeted with a smile from the staff. I would recommend this childcare centre to anyone!”
Joy T.

“The staff at Tykes and Tots are fantastic. Their approach to care and child development is second to none. My daughter has thrived in their care for the past year plus and I believe she will have a very smooth transition to kindergarten when that time comes.”
Heather S.

Put Your Family in Our Good Hands

Our waitlist is currently closed. Please check back later to add your child to the list. Please see our School Age Care page to sign up for those programs.

Get In Touch

Do you want more information before deciding if one of Tykes and Tots’ programs is right for your child? Send us a message and one of our management team will reach out to you as soon as they can.

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